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Why leave your current paying job for an overseas opportunity?

You are doing very well in your current job, living an above average and peaceful existence with your family. Would you leave all of this for an overseas job? Or rather, should you leave all of this for an overseas opportunity? What is the reason that makes you leave the comfort of your home country to pursue an international career abroad?


These are the questions that are being asked to individuals that have exhibited the desire to travel abroad. Most times these questions are being asked at the embassy during the process of getting the destination visas and a non-convincing respond can affect the chances of getting an approval.


When you do a survey and ask those about to check out of the country their reason for doing so, apart from going for education, health related issue, business trip etc most times some of them don’t really have any tangible reason. They feel once they get there, all shall be well with them in terms of accommodation, job etc.


Some have made their decision based on the things they see some of their friends that came back from abroad are doing. The cars, big houses, lavish lifestyles etc. They feel one can easily make it over there once you can come over. If you don’t really have any tangible reason for relocating abroad, with the mindset that when you get there, you will find your way, this article is for you.


There are a whole lot of things to do if you are in that category. You need to make arrangement as to where you will be staying when you get there. we have seen cases where some got there and the person they had in mind all of a sudden declined. You need to have one or two persons you know over there for they will help to guide you once you arrive. You need to have an open mind to learn any skill being presented to you because no one will pay your incurred bills. Just have in mind that at the early stage, it wont be easy for you.


We have another category of people that want to relocate abroad despite living a good life here. These are the people that inspired this article. They have a good job, living a good lifestyle and taking care of their families but yet they want to leave. What inspires or motivates them?


One can attribute it to the economic situation of the country but these people are already doing very well as the economy is not really affecting them and yet they are on the move to check out. In the course of our investigation, we have discovered a unanimous response from all those that have relocated. They have all reported that it is not easy abroad despite all the flashy pictures we see them share on social media.


We contacted a very few Nigerians that have relocated and asked this question of Why leave your current paying job for an overseas opportunity? Below are the few responds we got:

Chinedu from Canada.

With the present condition of our country Nigeria, these are my points why people leave the good paying job and relocate. Infrastructure, Security, Healthcare, International Educational Structure, Job opportunities, Economic Stability, Political Stability, Good Currency, Job Security, Opportunities for Career advancement, Good Government, Good banking Structure, Good life expectancy.


Bobby from Austria

First of all, am precisely speaking about Job and not business. One must ask himself what is a good paying job. secondly, does the work have guarantee?

In my opinion, I would leave my job in Nigeria to relocate abroad because of the job security, health insurance that comes with Job (because your health insurance covers for your kids and wife, if they are not working).

Another important reason is security (both defensive and natural). The insecurity in Nigeria is crazy that anyone can be kidnapped at any time or killed without consequences. The growing rate of fake food and drinks in Nigeria is alarming as there is 1000 ways to die in Nigeria.

The most important reason is for the kids. The government schools are free and they are sure of job after school. They have the opportunities to develop their talent and be who they want to be. I can go on and on with reasons but these few are some of the reasons why I would leave my good paying job to abroad. But I may not leave my business and relocate abroad except if is it crumbling.


Daniel from UK

Any job that pays N500k and above is far better than relocating abroad to look for greener pastures. Most jobs given to graduates in the western world are not worth it. Even higher-paying jobs require higher taxes and bills which deter you from saving much. Honestly, it only takes discipline to survive abroad.


Above are the few opinions we got from people living abroad but we still have good reasons why one can drop his or her high paying job and relocate abroad.

– You will become more adaptable while working abroad

– You experience Rapid ascension to high-level positions

– You learn new languages

– You will become good at networking

– You experience better standard of living

Considering the benefits outlined above, working abroad is a smart career move. Finding the right overseas opportunity takes a little extra effort, but it can be done. In addition to the usual employment websites, consider the job portals of the destination country for a broader idea of the kind of jobs available and eligibility conditions. GOODLUCK TO YOU.


PICTURE CREDIT: Instagram/jennys_empire123


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