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How to stay safe during the Harmattan Season in Lagos City.

Harmattan is a season that occurs between the end of November till the middle of March the following year. It is characterized by the dry and dusty wind, which blows from the Sahara over West Africa into the Gulf of Guinea. The temperature is cold in most places, but can also be hot in certain places, depending on local circumstances.

In some countries in West Africa, the heavy amount of dust in the air can severely limit visibility and block the sun for several days, comparable to a heavy fog. This effect is known as the Harmattan haze. It costs airlines millions of dollars in cancelled and diverted flights each year.

As the Harmattan goes deeper, it comes with loads of health issues on humans, plants and even objects. The extreme dryness of the air may cause branches of trees to die.

Lagos is a densely populated City who depend on the transportation system in the state. The waste management attitude by some Lagosians outweighs that of the good ones as major roads are being littered with dirty refuse. The drainage systems are blocked, most of the central refuse dumps are over filled and scattered. All these add to the health hazards Lagosians experience especially during this Harmattan season where air-borne diseases spread very fast coupled with the wave of Covid-19.

Common illness associated with Harmattan are



-Dried or chapped lips


-Aggravation of asthma and Sickle cell anemia on affected people.


-Pneumonia and bronchitis


Common Geographical Risks Associated with Harmattan are

-Fire outbreaks

-Poor visibility


Common Health Hazards are


-Dry skin

-Eye disease,

-Foodborne diseases,



Below are few things you can do to help you get relief from the harshness of the weather:

-Cover your nose and mouth with a Mask ALWAYS especially when you go out.

-Drink plenty of water to prevent Dehydration.

-Wash your Eyes regularly to avoid red eyes which is common in during Harmattan.

-Avoid or reduce outdoor activities, especially if you have allergies.

-Stay indoors to avoid dust inhalation of harmful particles coming with the wind

-Wear clothes that keep your body warm

-Visit the clinic if you have red, itchy, and watery eyes.

-Get medical help if you have running, itchy, sneezing, and stuffy nose

-Keep the doors and windows closed

-Always use moisturizers to prevent dry skin and dry palms

-Use lip balm to prevent cracked lips

These tips are really essential now to help keep your home safe and free from the illnesses that could travel with the Harmattan.

Kindly share this article with your friends and loved ones to help them know how to stay safe from the harshness of Harmattan.

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